
Translation Style Guide & Glossary: What Businesses Should Know About It?

When it comes to functioning in this global market, there are over one hundred languages that are being spoken in the world today. If a business wants to connect with a different market, translation can bring in great benefits. With the advancement, there’s a proper translation guide available for the best results.


For business, it is very important to establish a strong identity to be consistent in operations. Your business messages, visuals, and tone should follow the market standards to make them reach out successfully to the audience easily. In this, the unique challenge is ensuring consistency and accuracy in every aspect. The one way you can make sure to get the correct translation is by getting with a professional translation company.

For a top-notch content translation, experts follow a translation guide and glossary. This allows delivering the highest quality translation that can meet the desired requirements and results.

Let’s see and learn more about the translation style guide and glossary:

Getting To Know About Translation Style Guide

Before working on it, there is a great need to understand the basics of using style guides. Translation style guide is a general overview of the enforced standards for writing content. This includes working on the tone of the translation project while considering the voice, sentence structure and syntax, spelling, rules, abbreviations, acronyms, etc.

A proper guide follows a comprehensive set of rules and guidelines that help to deliver a consistent translation that goes well with the formatting, and design elements. The translators follow it to make your content relevant while preserving its original meaning in the different language.

What Is The Need For a Translation Style Guide?

The major reason why a translation style guide comes into play is to serve accurate translation that can go perfectly through all languages, cultures, and markets. Whenever you are in need of excellent translation, here are a few points on why it is important to consider:

1- Ensure Accuracy In Translation: When translators work with the translation style guide, it clearly defines rules for translating content so, they don’t have to worry about mistranslations or misinterpretation due to small errors.

2- Be Consistent In The Approach: Following the translation style guide enables to unified voice and makes it consistently delivered across markets with a standard approach.

3- Save Time And Effort: When translators follow a systematic approach of the style guide, this works to save them from unnecessary back-and-forth revisions and make it able to deliver quality translations quickly.

4- Save Money: The big translation company has a proper translation guide that translators follow to work on. This will help you to get the translation delivered without any situation of further rework.

5- Increase Engagement: In case, you need fruitful website translation, a translation style guide will help to work on the targeted aspects and promise to deliver highly trustworthy translation solutions.

Major Elements of a Translation Style Guide

According to the market, various things are included in the translation style guide and this can vary on your specific needs and the type of content in the translation project. Here are the following elements to consider:

1- Getting To Know the Target Audience and Market: This is highly required to get information about the target market with its key demographics, market major challenges obstacles, local culture, customs, and values. This gives an idea of whom the translation should address to.

2- Understanding Business Goals: While considering the market, there is also a need to understand the business mission, values, and message hierarchy. In this, there is needed to go for the strategies that help the business to get the right translation that allows meeting the market needs perfectly.

3- Grammar and Syntax Rules: Whenever there is a need for urgent legal translation, focusing on the grammar and syntax rules becomes highly challenging. Certain guidelines need to be followed to keep the sentence structure, and other grammatical conventions to go with fluency and accuracy in the target language.

Practices To Create Translation Style Guide

When it comes to creating the translation style guide, several practices need to be followed such as:

1- Keep It Simple and Concise: While creating a translation style guide, there is a need to keep things simple and comprehensive to avoid any overwhelming experience.

2- Collaborate To Create: Every translator brings in different knowledge and experience and there is a need to team up to ensure to share a better understanding and design a proper style guide.

3- Stay Up-To-Date: For a top-notch translation, it is needed to stay up-to-date to make sure to have vast knowledge about the market and industry to deliver promising translation solutions.

4- Adapt To Corporate Style Guide: Several businesses have a corporate style guide that covers elements like brand voice, language, and formatting. This helps to deliver a splendid document translation that serves the purpose well.

5- Include Examples: Adding examples to key points in the style guides helps to have a better understanding of the things that further help to meet the expectations perfectly.

Practices are generally followed to prepare translation style guides for each market. It’s important to remember that no two markets are the same and thus the approach and strategies need to be different to meet the unique needs and preferences of the market.

What is a Translation Glossary?

Translation glossaries help to gain a better understanding and determine whether to translate a word at all or not. For example, there are certain product names or copyrighted items that should not be translated.

There is a need to bring awareness to such things to be clear and avoid errors arising from translations. It is known’s a reusable knowledge asset that supports any localization project belonging to different business needs.

Benefits Of A Translation Glossary

Translation glossaries are one of the most important parts of the translation planning that is needed to allow better localization. Given below points clearly elaborate the benefits of getting translation glossary:

● It helps translators to have a better understanding of the original text so that they can create translated content that serves with higher accuracy.

● Translators get to work faster and with a translation glossary so they can save time and also prevent the unexpected costs that may arise for recorrections.

● This highly helps in reducing the risk of potential translation inconsistencies and helps to deliver translation that serves with great productivity and accuracy.

● Especially working on delivering a successful video translation project, helps to clarify any potential translation doubts and allow the translators to make use of the specific terminology easily.

● It helps to identify words or phrases that don’t have an equivalent meaning in the target language.

Why Should You Trust the Professional Translators?

When preparing to deliver the translation, a proper style guide is required to get the things delivered in the right way. There’s a great need to be consistent at it and translators with years of experience can design a style guide that helps to deliver top-notch and highly relevant translation solutions.  The experts follow their translation style guide and glossaries adhering to be clear, coherent, and aligned with a specific set of standards.

So, whether it is about getting a powerful marketing translation or any other translation, the best practices outlined in the translation style guide help to deliver professional, and culturally appropriate translation.


When you go for the translation for any requirements, there is a need to be consistent with the voice and the message to make things delivered across diverse target languages and cultures. A good translation style guide includes vital components of any successful international communication strategy. Getting with the professional translation company help to facilitate seamless cross-cultural engagement leading to better results.

You need the assistance from professional experts who follow the translation guide to deliver promising solutions. If you want to get in touch with us, you can contact us at +91-8527599523 or quickly send us a instant quote.

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