
Types Of Localization

Business owners must understand all types of localization before planning global expansion for their brand or any specific product/service. In the competitive age of today, one should have complete knowledge of every single activity he or she is investing in. Hence, if you are a business owner and planning to launch your product on a global scale, you must pay attention to different kinds of localization available in the market. Be it, a website, software, marketing materials or any other stuff, you must localize every type of content that is needed to launch or promote your product/ service. But before we go any further, you should have a clear idea about what localization is all about. Most of the business men get confused between translation and localization. Hence, you should know the meaning and difference between the two.


What is Localization?

Similar yet different from translation, localization refers to the adaptation of a particular piece of content to the language and cultural preferences of the target locale. Hence, through localization, the product gets a new version, which is user-friendly for the target audience and appears as if, originally created for them. It takes into account several things, viz. language, culture, keyboard usage, customs, monetary formats, fonts, Graphics, date, time and other allied characteristics of the target market. On the other hand, translation is a part of the localization process and refers to the mere conversion of words or phrases from one language to another.


The Major Types

Now, when you understand what localization is, you must go through all the important types of localization, as stated under –

Website Localization Software Localization
Brand Localization App Localization
Mobile App IOS App
Android App App Store
Marketing Localization Multimedia Localization
Content Localization SEO Localization
Software App Localization E-Commerce App Localization
iPad App Localization iPhone App Localization
Graphic User Interface Localization Subtitling Localization
Broadcast Commercial Localization Marketing Content Localization
Advertising Localization Multilingual Localization
Language Localization Indian To Foreign Localization
Industry Localization Document Localization
Certificate Localization Web App Localization

Need of Outsourcing Multiple Localization Types

Localization serves as a catalyst that withdraws any linguistic or cultural barrier coming your way to international success. Hence, it should be considered as a boon and not as an additional cost. At the very first, you may only localize the product (for example, website) that you are launching in the target market. But, as you go deeper in it, you will realize that not just the product, but also the other materials (for example, business documents, certificates, product info, marketing materials and so on) related to it, needs to be localized. This is important just to make your customers aware about the product. Suppose, you get your app localized, then along with the localization of the app, other material, such as Seo content, graphics, color, promotional materials and other business documents, also demand localization. Broadly speaking, you may need to outsource multiple kinds of localization, due to the following reasons –

Boost Sales: The first and the most important reason to outsource multiple localization expertise, is to boost the sales and revenue graph. If your content would be localized, more and more customers will become aware about your product, thereby increasing the inflow of sales. Localization of promotional materials will help you promote your product or services easily in the target market. Hence, don’t you think it would be much easier for you to cater to the needs of the audience and establish a strong bond with them?

A Global Hit: This is another important reason that will motivate you to invest in localization. Nobody wants to remain a mediocre brand in the international market. Everybody wants to stand apart; and if you too, desire for the same, you will have to pay much attention towards the localization part of the product. Until and unless, you localize your content, you won’t be able to become a global hit. The moment you get your stuff localized, you will observe a magical change in the sales and business growth.

Better ROI: This is somewhere or the other related to the above two points. If your sales are growing and you become a global hit, you will definitely start getting better returns on investment. Always remember that while you are struggling in the foreign market, it is only localization that can help you sail through. Amidst severe competition, it can help your brand stand alone and speak for itself. In simple words, it has the potential to provide you with record breaking returns, as otherwise you may not even touch the break-even point.

Access to a Global Market: Last but not the last; localization for multiple materials will help you gain a smoother access to the global market. Often businessmen prefer translation as the ultimate medium to enter the global market. However, it won’t be useful in the long run. As mentioned earlier, translation is similar to localization, but is not the same. Hence, the former will help you transcend the language barrier, but, it won’t help you connect with the audience. They will never find a liking towards your brand as they might have for their favourite local brand. So, keep that in mind.

To cut the long story short, localization is a weapon that every business owner should utilize, in order to outrun competition in the global market. No matter, how popular you are in your domestic market; you won’t get the same level of appreciation globally, unless and until your content is adapted to the tastes, consumption behavior, language and cultural preferences of the target masses. So, if you want to dazzle the foreign market with a perfect product and perfectly localized content, get access to localization.

Why Choose Us?

There is an abundance of localization companies in India and around the world. At no point, you may feel that there is a lack of access to a localization team. Thus, you are surrounded by experts, who are ready to help you out in the global business world. However, it becomes very difficult to choose one among many. Obviously, you cannot hire all of them. You will have to invest much time in researching the best out of a huge pool. Hence, we are here at your service to save your time and keep you going with a localized content. Most of our clients choose us for the following reasons –

 Fastest delivery or turnaround time
 Marginal rates for all industries
 Superlative quality assurance
 Localization expertise in all Indian and foreign languages
 Highly professional and dedicated team

So, what are you waiting for? Localization paves way for international success that you desire. Hence, you cannot afford to make any mistake in choose the service provider. With years of experience and talented team on board, we commit only quality work to you and nothing less than that. Also, our rates are quite feasible than other vendors in the market, thereby giving you ‘value for money’ localization services. Get started now to localize your content!!

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    We make international communication easier to let you speak the target mother tongue.


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    • 1st Floor, H-192, Lohia Rd, H Block, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201305
    • +91-8527599523, +91-0120-4239652